A dedicated cycle and footpath along the edge of Nomansland Common is soon to become a reality. Your local Conservative councillors have been advocating for this for some years now. “This is good news” said Councillor Gill Clark, “there is already an informal path worn across the common, but this is potentially damaging to the ecology of the common land, as well as encroaching upon the Cricket field. A purpose built path for cyclists and pedestrians will benefit all visitors to Nomansland Common.”
A planning application has now been submitted by the County Council for a cycle path between Heartwood Forest and the roadway to the Cricket Club, with funding approved by County Councillor Annie Brewster. Councillors Brewster, Clark and Wood are working with County and District Officers and keen cyclists to explore continuing this path up to the village.
“We are committed to work for a continuous, safe and signposted route for both cyclists and pedestrians, linking our village of Wheathampstead to St Albans. This dedicated path over Nomansland Common will provide a vital link in this vision” said Cllr. Sandra Wood.
We would like to hear from any residents who cycle into St Albans and which route they currently take. Also, from any residents who would cycle into St Albans, if there was a safer route in order to do so. Please email your comments/views to Cllr. Gill Clark or Cllr. Sandra Wood.