Despite opponents’ rhetoric local Conservatives are supporters of the strong, healthy and sustainable environment. Our Councils and Councillors will do everything they can to respond to the climate emergency whilst providing services and support for the whole community.
There is so much we need to do but today we will highlight two areas of concern which we hear from residents – safer roads and cleaner air.
One facet of responding to climate change is maintaining a sustainable Town, District and County with quieter roads and with all vehicles driving at slower speeds; and the promotion of walking, cycling and public transport. In Harpenden we have our Harpenden Hopper, a volunteer-led public bus service, supported by the Town Council, for the whole community.
The Hopper was developed to help keep cars off the road whilst assisting those less mobile to get out and about.
The introduction of 20mph streets and zones will be made easier once the County Council’s revised speed management strategy is introduced later this year; the County Council’s Local Transport Plan 4 is all about sustainable travel and the Sustainable Hertfordshire Strategy draws this all together.
The COVID lockdown highlighted to us all how clean our air could be.
Needless to say there is a strategy for that too which demonstrates who and how we can clean up Hertfordshire’s air.
This was written prior to COVID but the thinking will be developed.